Schools’ Mammal Challenge

In our commitment to education and fostering a love for wildlife, we are thrilled to introduce the Schools' Mammal Challenge.

This initiative aims to engage students in mammal recording activities, empowering them as advocates for wildlife protection and champions of biodiversity conservation.

Quick links

  1. Sign up for the Schools' Mammal Challenge here

  2. Download the Educators' Pack here and see our session plans here

  3. Watch our educator’s webinar here

We need your help! 

1 in 4 of our native mammals are threatened with extinction. Mammals are under-recorded which hampers conservation efforts.  You and your school can help provide vital data on mammal populations. You have access to a habitat no one else is better placed to monitor—your school ground.  

Engaging students in mammal recording activities not only enhances their scientific literacy and field skills but also instils a sense of stewardship for the environment.  By highlighting the importance of mammal conservation and the need for accurate data collection, educators can empower students to become advocates for wildlife protection and champions of biodiversity conservation. 

About the Schools’ Mammal Challenge

  • The Schools’ Mammal Challenge launched during National Mammal Week 2024. Mammal Week is a great time to get involved in mammal monitoring, but these activities can be carried out at any time of year!

  • Schools participating in the challenge undertake all or some of three mammal monitoring activities in order to gain insight into the wildlife in the local ecosystem, skills in wildlife surveying, and data that contributes to national conservation:
    (1) #MammalMile - conducting a survey around the grounds and/or local area to record any mammals or signs of their presence using our free Mammal Mapper app.
    (2) Camera trapping - monitoring nocturnal visitors to the schoolground with wildlife trailcams.
    (3) Footprint tunnels - constructing footprint tunnels for mammals of all sizes and identifying mammal visitors via footprint identification.

  • Each year during National Mammal Week, young people and institutions that go above and beyond are recognised as our “Mammal Monitoring Champions”.


Live Lessons

During National Mammal Week 2024 we held 2 live lessons - to introduce the challenge and to recap efforts over the week - you can access the recordings of these sessions below:

Taking your mammal monitoring further

We are currently developing resources to help schools form their own Local Mammal Groups - if this is of interest to you please get in touch with Fiona (

Together, let's inspire the next generation of conservationists and make a difference for mammals. For any questions or further information, please feel free to contact Fiona, Education and Training Officer, at